Another experiment

Signed-off-by: fbt <>
This commit is contained in:
Jack L. Frost 2019-11-17 17:35:19 +03:00
parent c6bba36f94
commit b67fec6f16
1 changed files with 39 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,26 @@ shopt -s nullglob
is_function() [[ "$(type -t "$1" 2>/dev/null)" == 'function' ]]
readonly -f is_function
command_not_found_handle() {
declare f=$1; shift; declare argv=( "$@" )
# Skip the special name 'source'.
# Don't call your functions 'source'.
declare i
for i in "${FUNCNAME[@]:1}"; do
[[ $i == 'source' ]] && continue
is_function "$f" || {
printf '%s: line %s: %s: command not found\n' "$0" "${BASH_LINENO[0]}" "$f" >&2
return 127
"$f" "${argv[@]}"
}; readonly command_not_found_handle;
usage() {
cat <<- EOF
Usage: ssm <service> <function>
@ -156,12 +176,14 @@ cgroup_get_procs() {
}; readonly -f cgroup_get_procs
## Run the command and wait for it to die
svc() {
declare job_pid job_exit job_success last_respawn fail_counter date counter p
var job_pid job_exit job_success last_respawn fail_counter date counter p
svc::cleanup() {
nullexec kill -n "$service_stop_signal" "$job_pid"
#nullexec kill -n "$service_stop_signal" "$job_pid"
nullexec "${service_stop_command[@]}"
anywait "$job_pid" "$service_stop_timeout"
@ -285,7 +307,7 @@ svc() {
}; readonly -f svc
## Run a command with its output discarded
nullexec() { "$@" &>/dev/null; }
nullexec() { eval "$@" &>/dev/null; }
readonly -f nullexec
## Wait for a pid, indefinitely
@ -490,18 +512,17 @@ stop() {
info.item() { printf "%16s: %s\n" "$1" "$2"; }
info() {
declare -a _info_items
declare _status_code _status _show_pid
var _info_items _status_code _status _show_pid
info::item() { printf "%16s: %s\n" "$1" "$2"; }
info::item Name "$service_name"
.item Name "$service_name"
status; _status_code = "$?"
if service_oneshot; then
info::item Oneshot 'yes'
.item Oneshot 'yes'
case $_status_code in
(0) _status = 'success';;
@ -510,7 +531,7 @@ info() {
(*) _status = 'unknown';;
info::item Restart "$service_respawn"
.item Restart "$service_respawn"
case $_status_code in
(0) _status = 'running';;
@ -522,23 +543,23 @@ info() {
info::item Status "$_status"
.item Status "$_status"
info::item Exec "${service_command[*]}"
info::item Config "$service_config"
info::item Workdir "$service_workdir"
.item Exec "${service_command[*]}"
.item Config "$service_config"
.item Workdir "$service_workdir"
info::item 'Output log' "$service_logfile_out"
.item 'Output log' "$service_logfile_out"
service_logfile_out == "$service_logfile_err" || \
info::item 'Error log' "$service_logfile_err"
.item 'Error log' "$service_logfile_err"
if service_running; then
info::item PID "$service_pid"
info::item PIDFile "$service_pidfile"
.item PID "$service_pid"
.item PIDFile "$service_pidfile"
cgroups && {
info::item Cgroup "$cgroup_home/$service_cgroup_name"
info::item 'Cgroup procs' "${#service_cgroup_procs[@]}"
.item Cgroup "$cgroup_home/$service_cgroup_name"
.item 'Cgroup procs' "${#service_cgroup_procs[@]}"
@ -637,6 +658,7 @@ var XDG_RUNTIME_DIR := "/run/user/$UID"
var service_respawn = 'no' # Respawn the service if it exits
var service_workdir = '/'
var service_stop_timeout = 30
var service_stop_command = kill -n "\$service_stop_signal" "\$job_pid"
var service_ready_timeout = 15
var service_signals = 1 10 12
var service_reload_signal = 1