*acp.txt* Automatically opens popup menu for completions. Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Takeshi NISHIDA AutoComplPop *autocomplpop* *acp* INTRODUCTION |acp-introduction| INSTALLATION |acp-installation| USAGE |acp-usage| COMMANDS |acp-commands| OPTIONS |acp-options| SPECIAL THANKS |acp-thanks| CHANGELOG |acp-changelog| ABOUT |acp-about| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *acp-introduction* With this plugin, your vim comes to automatically opens popup menu for completions when you enter characters or move the cursor in Insert mode. It won't prevent you continuing entering characters. ============================================================================== INSTALLATION *acp-installation* Put all files into your runtime directory. If you have the zip file, extract it to your runtime directory. You should place the files as follows: > /plugin/acp.vim /doc/acp.txt ... < If you are disgusted to make your runtime directory confused with a lot of plugins, put each of the plugins into a directory individually and just add the directory path to 'runtimepath'. It's easy to uninstall plugins. Then update your help tags files to enable help for this plugin. See |add-local-help| for details. Requirements: ~ - L9 library (vimscript #3252) ============================================================================== USAGE *acp-usage* Once this plugin is installed, auto-popup is enabled at startup by default. Which completion method is used depends on the text before the cursor. The default behavior is as follows: kind filetype text before the cursor ~ Keyword * two keyword characters Filename * a filename character + a path separator + 0 or more filename character Omni ruby ".", "::" or non-word character + ":" (|+ruby| required.) Omni python "." (|+python| required.) Omni xml "<", "" characters + " ") Omni html/xhtml "<", "" characters + " ") Omni css (":", ";", "{", "^", "@", or "!") + 0 or 1 space Also, you can make user-defined completion and snipMate's trigger completion (|acp-snipMate|) auto-popup if the options are set. These behavior are customizable. *acp-snipMate* snipMate's Trigger Completion ~ snipMate's trigger completion enables you to complete a snippet trigger provided by snipMate plugin (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2540) and expand it. To enable auto-popup for this completion, add following function to plugin/snipMate.vim: > fun! GetSnipsInCurrentScope() let snips = {} for scope in [bufnr('%')] + split(&ft, '\.') + ['_'] call extend(snips, get(s:snippets, scope, {}), 'keep') call extend(snips, get(s:multi_snips, scope, {}), 'keep') endfor return snips endf < And set |g:acp_behaviorSnipmateLength| option to 1. There is the restriction on this auto-popup, that the word before cursor must consist only of uppercase characters. *acp-perl-omni* Perl Omni-Completion ~ AutoComplPop supports perl-completion.vim (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2852). To enable auto-popup for this completion, set |g:acp_behaviorPerlOmniLength| option to 0 or more. ============================================================================== COMMANDS *acp-commands* *:AcpEnable* :AcpEnable enables auto-popup. *:AcpDisable* :AcpDisable disables auto-popup. *:AcpLock* :AcpLock suspends auto-popup temporarily. For the purpose of avoiding interruption to another script, it is recommended to insert this command and |:AcpUnlock| than |:AcpDisable| and |:AcpEnable| . *:AcpUnlock* :AcpUnlock resumes auto-popup suspended by |:AcpLock| . ============================================================================== OPTIONS *acp-options* *g:acp_enableAtStartup* > let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 1 < If non-zero, auto-popup is enabled at startup. *g:acp_mappingDriven* > let g:acp_mappingDriven = 0 < If non-zero, auto-popup is triggered by key mappings instead of |CursorMovedI| event. This is useful to avoid auto-popup by moving cursor in Insert mode. *g:acp_ignorecaseOption* > let g:acp_ignorecaseOption = 1 < Value set to 'ignorecase' temporarily when auto-popup. *g:acp_completeOption* > let g:acp_completeOption = '.,w,b,k' < Value set to 'complete' temporarily when auto-popup. *g:acp_completeoptPreview* > let g:acp_completeoptPreview = 0 < If non-zero, "preview" is added to 'completeopt' when auto-popup. *g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedFunction* > let g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedFunction = '' < |g:acp_behavior-completefunc| for user-defined completion. If empty, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedMeets* > let g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedMeets = '' < |g:acp_behavior-meets| for user-defined completion. If empty, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorSnipmateLength* > let g:acp_behaviorSnipmateLength = -1 < Pattern before the cursor, which are needed to attempt snipMate-trigger completion. *g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand* > let g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand = "\" < Command for keyword completion. This option is usually set "\" or "\". *g:acp_behaviorKeywordLength* > let g:acp_behaviorKeywordLength = 2 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt keyword completion. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorKeywordIgnores* > let g:acp_behaviorKeywordIgnores = [] < List of string. If a word before the cursor matches to the front part of one of them, keyword completion won't be attempted. E.g., when there are too many keywords beginning with "get" for the completion and auto-popup by entering "g", "ge", or "get" causes response degradation, set ["get"] to this option and avoid it. *g:acp_behaviorFileLength* > let g:acp_behaviorFileLength = 0 < Length of filename characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt filename completion. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniMethodLength* > let g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniMethodLength = 0 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt ruby omni-completion for methods. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniSymbolLength* > let g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniSymbolLength = 1 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt ruby omni-completion for symbols. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorPythonOmniLength* > let g:acp_behaviorPythonOmniLength = 0 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt python omni-completion. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorPerlOmniLength* > let g:acp_behaviorPerlOmniLength = -1 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt perl omni-completion. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. See also: |acp-perl-omni| *g:acp_behaviorXmlOmniLength* > let g:acp_behaviorXmlOmniLength = 0 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt XML omni-completion. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorHtmlOmniLength* > let g:acp_behaviorHtmlOmniLength = 0 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt HTML omni-completion. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorCssOmniPropertyLength* > let g:acp_behaviorCssOmniPropertyLength = 1 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt CSS omni-completion for properties. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behaviorCssOmniValueLength* > let g:acp_behaviorCssOmniValueLength = 0 < Length of keyword characters before the cursor, which are needed to attempt CSS omni-completion for values. If negative value, this completion will be never attempted. *g:acp_behavior* > let g:acp_behavior = {} < This option is for advanced users. This setting overrides other behavior options. This is a |Dictionary|. Each key corresponds to a filetype. '*' is default. Each value is a list. These are attempted in sequence until completion item is found. Each element is a |Dictionary| which has following items: "command": *g:acp_behavior-command* Command to be fed to open popup menu for completions. "completefunc": *g:acp_behavior-completefunc* 'completefunc' will be set to this user-provided function during the completion. Only makes sense when "command" is "". "meets": *g:acp_behavior-meets* Name of the function which dicides whether or not to attempt this completion. It will be attempted if this function returns non-zero. This function takes a text before the cursor. "onPopupClose": *g:acp_behavior-onPopupClose* Name of the function which is called when popup menu for this completion is closed. Following completions will be suppressed if this function returns zero. "repeat": *g:acp_behavior-repeat* If non-zero, the last completion is automatically repeated. ============================================================================== SPECIAL THANKS *acp-thanks* - Daniel Schierbeck - Ingo Karkat ============================================================================== CHANGELOG *acp-changelog* 3.0: [TODO] - From this version, L9 library (vimscript #3252) is required. 2.14.1 - Changed the way of auto-popup for avoiding an issue about filename completion. - Fixed a bug that popup menu was opened twice when auto-popup was done. 2.14 - Added the support for perl-completion.vim. 2.13 - Changed to sort snipMate's triggers. - Fixed a bug that a wasted character was inserted after snipMate's trigger completion. 2.12.1 - Changed to avoid a strange behavior with Microsoft IME. 2.12 - Added g:acp_behaviorKeywordIgnores option. - Added g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedMeets option and removed g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedPattern. - Changed to do auto-popup only when a buffer is modified. - Changed the structure of g:acp_behavior option. - Changed to reflect a change of behavior options (named g:acp_behavior*) any time it is done. - Fixed a bug that completions after omni completions or snipMate's trigger completion were never attempted when no candidate for the former completions was found. 2.11.1 - Fixed a bug that a snipMate's trigger could not be expanded when it was completed. 2.11 - Implemented experimental feature which is snipMate's trigger completion. 2.10 - Improved the response by changing not to attempt any completion when keyword characters are entered after a word which has been found that it has no completion candidate at the last attempt of completions. - Improved the response by changing to close popup menu when was pressed and the text before the cursor would not match with the pattern of current behavior. 2.9 - Changed default behavior to support XML omni completion. - Changed default value of g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand option. The option with "\" cause a problem which inserts a match without when 'dictionary' has been set and keyword completion is done. - Changed to show error message when incompatible with a installed vim. 2.8.1 - Fixed a bug which inserted a selected match to the next line when auto-wrapping (enabled with 'formatoptions') was performed. 2.8 - Added g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedFunction option and g:acp_behaviorUserDefinedPattern option for users who want to make custom completion auto-popup. - Fixed a bug that setting 'spell' on a new buffer made typing go crazy. 2.7 - Changed naming conventions for filenames, functions, commands, and options and thus renamed them. - Added g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand option. If you prefer the previous behavior for keyword completion, set this option "\". - Changed default value of g:acp_ignorecaseOption option. The following were done by Ingo Karkat: - ENH: Added support for setting a user-provided 'completefunc' during the completion, configurable via g:acp_behavior. - BUG: When the configured completion is or , the command to restore the original text (in on_popup_post()) must be reverted, too. - BUG: When using a custom completion function () that also uses an s:...() function name, the s:GetSidPrefix() function dynamically determines the wrong SID. Now calling s:DetermineSidPrefix() once during sourcing and caching the value in s:SID. - BUG: Should not use custom defined completion mappings. Now consistently using unmapped completion commands everywhere. (Beforehand, s:PopupFeeder.feed() used mappings via feedkeys(..., 'm'), but s:PopupFeeder.on_popup_post() did not due to its invocation via :map-expr.) 2.6: - Improved the behavior of omni completion for HTML/XHTML. 2.5: - Added some options to customize behavior easily: g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorKeywordLength g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorFileLength g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorRubyOmniMethodLength g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorRubyOmniSymbolLength g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorPythonOmniLength g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorHtmlOmniLength g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorCssOmniPropertyLength g:AutoComplPop_BehaviorCssOmniValueLength 2.4: - Added g:AutoComplPop_MappingDriven option. 2.3.1: - Changed to set 'lazyredraw' while a popup menu is visible to avoid flickering. - Changed a behavior for CSS. - Added support for GetLatestVimScripts. 2.3: - Added a behavior for Python to support omni completion. - Added a behavior for CSS to support omni completion. 2.2: - Changed not to work when 'paste' option is set. - Fixed AutoComplPopEnable command and AutoComplPopDisable command to map/unmap "i" and "R". 2.1: - Fixed the problem caused by "." command in Normal mode. - Changed to map "i" and "R" to feed completion command after starting Insert mode. - Avoided the problem caused by Windows IME. 2.0: - Changed to use CursorMovedI event to feed a completion command instead of key mapping. Now the auto-popup is triggered by moving the cursor. - Changed to feed completion command after starting Insert mode. - Removed g:AutoComplPop_MapList option. 1.7: - Added behaviors for HTML/XHTML. Now supports the omni completion for HTML/XHTML. - Changed not to show expressions for CTRL-R =. - Changed not to set 'nolazyredraw' while a popup menu is visible. 1.6.1: - Changed not to trigger the filename completion by a text which has multi-byte characters. 1.6: - Redesigned g:AutoComplPop_Behavior option. - Changed default value of g:AutoComplPop_CompleteOption option. - Changed default value of g:AutoComplPop_MapList option. 1.5: - Implemented continuous-completion for the filename completion. And added new option to g:AutoComplPop_Behavior. 1.4: - Fixed the bug that the auto-popup was not suspended in fuzzyfinder. - Fixed the bug that an error has occurred with Ruby-omni-completion unless Ruby interface. 1.3: - Supported Ruby-omni-completion by default. - Supported filename completion by default. - Added g:AutoComplPop_Behavior option. - Added g:AutoComplPop_CompleteoptPreview option. - Removed g:AutoComplPop_MinLength option. - Removed g:AutoComplPop_MaxLength option. - Removed g:AutoComplPop_PopupCmd option. 1.2: - Fixed bugs related to 'completeopt'. 1.1: - Added g:AutoComplPop_IgnoreCaseOption option. - Added g:AutoComplPop_NotEnableAtStartup option. - Removed g:AutoComplPop_LoadAndEnable option. 1.0: - g:AutoComplPop_LoadAndEnable option for a startup activation is added. - AutoComplPopLock command and AutoComplPopUnlock command are added to suspend and resume. - 'completeopt' and 'complete' options are changed temporarily while completing by this script. 0.4: - The first match are selected when the popup menu is Opened. You can insert the first match with CTRL-Y. 0.3: - Fixed the problem that the original text is not restored if 'longest' is not set in 'completeopt'. Now the plugin works whether or not 'longest' is set in 'completeopt', and also 'menuone'. 0.2: - When completion matches are not found, insert CTRL-E to stop completion. - Clear the echo area. - Fixed the problem in case of dividing words by symbols, popup menu is not opened. 0.1: - First release. ============================================================================== ABOUT *acp-about* *acp-contact* *acp-author* Author: Takeshi NISHIDA Licence: MIT Licence URL: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1879 http://bitbucket.org/ns9tks/vim-autocomplpop/ Bugs/Issues/Suggestions/Improvements ~ Please submit to http://bitbucket.org/ns9tks/vim-autocomplpop/issues/ . ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: