# Change listen_port if port 9000 is already in use on your system # Set listen_to_network to true to make Easy Diffusion accessibble on your local network net: listen_port: 9000 listen_to_network: true # Multi GPU setup render_devices: auto # Set open_browser_on_start to false to disable opening a new browser tab on each restart ui: open_browser_on_start: false update_branch: main # Set force_save_path to enforce an auto save path. Clients will not be able to change or # disable auto save when this option is set. Please adapt the path in the examples to your # needs. # Windows: # force_save_path: C:\\Easy Diffusion Images\\ # Linux: # force_save_path: /data/easy-diffusion-images/ use_v3_engine: true models_dir: /opt/stable-diffusion-ui/models model: stable-diffusion: lazyphoton-0.50000 vae: vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned vram_usage_level: low