ufw-tools ========= ufw-tools are two simple-ish scripts for uploading files to 8fw.me. Support ======= I do not promise any support for any of the provided scripts. That said, I'll do what I can for you if I'm not too busy and/or drunk. Scripts ======= ufw --- ufw is the main one, it uploads shit. Usage: ufw [-RsF] [-D num] [file/url]" Flags: -R # Remove the file after uploading. -s # Make a screenshot and upload it instead of a file. -F # Make a fullscreen shot instead of prompting for a window/area. Implies -s. -d # Supply a dexcription. -D # Delay the shot by seconds. -p # Make the file public. -u # Generate a shortlink from URL. -m # Maximum filesize (takes K, M and G suffixes). -a # Add the file to an album. -A # API response format. Config options (~/.config/ufw): secret # Your personal token. Get it at https://zfh.so/settings_form cfg_screenshot_ext # Screenshot file type, used by scrot. cfg_max_filesize # Maximum filesize in megabytes. # Others are self-explanatory: cfg_url_regex cfg_tmp_dir cfg_service_url ufwd ---- ufwd periodically checks a directory of your choosing (defaults to $XDG_RUNTIME DIR/ufwd) and invokes ufw to upload the files and remove them. Usage: ufwd [-hn] [-d workdir] -D [check delay] -h # Show this message. -n # Enable notifications with notify-send. Must be installed. -d [path] # Set the dir that is to be watched. -D [sec] # Set the check interval.