Mute 16308eccf1 105.13.0 semver; settings migration
[lots of internal change]
I'm determined to clean this mess up after all.
Instead of a total rewrite (which didn't work), I'll migrate the
code to JSDoc piece by piece. This is the first piece, setting up
some basic framework and testing out this and that.
Until I figure out how test this thing, I'll just ask peeps to import
the module from testing branch I guess.
Probably not gonna deal with anything new until I can turn "strict" on.
2024-07-13 21:55:45 +00:00

783 lines
35 KiB

/** @type {MBCHC.Root} */ const W = window, D = W.document
if (W.MBCHC !== undefined) throw new Error('MBCHC found, aborting loading')
export const VERSION = '105.13.0'
const MISSING_PLAYER_DIALOG = {Tag: 'MISSING TEXT IN "Interface.csv": ', Text: '\u200C'} // Zero-width non-joiner, used to break up ligatures, does nothing here, but an empty string is a falsey value
/** @implements {MBCHC.Interval} */ class Interval { proxy = new Proxy({}, this); min = 0; max = 0; mini = false; maxi = false
/** @type {MBCHC.Interval['upd']} */ upd(min, max, mini = true, maxi = true) {this.min = min; this.max = max; this.mini = mini; this.maxi = maxi}
/** @type {MBCHC.Interval['has']} */ has(_, x) {return U.with(Number(x), x => (this.mini ? x >= this.min : x > this.min) && (this.maxi ? x <= this.max : x < this.max))}
/** @type {MBCHC.Utils} */ const U = { interval: new Interval(),
cid: char => char.MemberNumber,
dn: char => W.CharacterNickname(char),
current: () => `${W.CurrentModule}/${W.CurrentScreen}`,
with: (v, cb) => cb(v),
true(cb) {cb(); return true},
mutate(v, cb) {cb(v); return v},
rm(o, p) {delete o[p]; return o}, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete
mrg: (t, ...s) => Object.assign(t, ...s), // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
style: (q, cb) => U.with(D.querySelector(q), E => E instanceof HTMLElement ? cb(E.style) : undefined),
range: (...args) => U.true(() => void U.interval.upd(...args)) && U.interval.proxy,
assert(x, v, cb = Boolean) {if (!cb(v)) throw new Error(x); return v},
each: (o, cb) => U.true(() => void Object.entries(o).forEach(kv => cb(...kv))),
/** @type {MBCHC.Settings.Methods} */ const Settings = {
migrate_0_1(v0) { // I hate change
U.with(v0.MBCHC.timezones, tz => tz !== undefined && this.save(v1 => void U.each(tz, (k, v) => v1.TZ[k] ||= v)))
W.ServerAccountUpdate.QueueData({OnlineSettings: U.rm(v0, 'MBCHC')})
return U.true(() => void console.warn('MBCHC: settings migration done (v0 -> v1). This should never appear again.'))
save(cb = undefined) {W.Player.ExtensionSettings.MBCHC ||= {}; cb?.(this.v1); W.ServerPlayerExtensionSettingsSync('MBCHC'); return true},
replace: v1 => U.true(() => W.Player.ExtensionSettings.MBCHC = v1) && Settings.save(),
'purge!': () => Settings.replace(/** @type {MBCHC.Settings.V1} */ ({})),
get v1() {return U.mutate(/** @type {MBCHC.Settings.V1} */ (W.Player.ExtensionSettings.MBCHC) ?? {}, v1 => { // we need to check and repair the whole object every time we access it
v1.TZ ||= {}
/** @type {MBCHC.TZ_Cache} */ const TZ = { map: new Map(),
RE: /(?:gmt|utc)\s*([+-])\s*(\d\d?)/i,
for: c => c.MemberNumber === undefined ? undefined : TZ.map.get(c.MemberNumber) ?? TZ.memo(c.MemberNumber, c.Description),
memo: (cid, desc = undefined) => U.with(Settings.v1.TZ[cid] ?? TZ.parse(desc), n => n === undefined ? undefined : U.true(() => TZ.map.set(cid, n)) && n),
parse: desc => desc === undefined ? undefined : U.with(TZ.RE.exec(desc), m => m === null ? undefined : U.with(Number.parseInt(m[1] + m[2], 10), n => n in U.range(-12, 12) ? n : undefined)),
// ^ type-safe (still need strict later)
// =================================================================================
// v legacy mess
RETHROW: false,
LOADED: false,
RE_ACT_CIDS: /^<(\d+)?:(\d+)?>/,
RE_ALL_LEFT: /^<+$/,
RE_ALL_RIGHT: /^>+$/,
RE_SPACES: /\s{2,}/g,
RE_LAST_WORD: /(^|\s)(\S*)$/,
RGB_MUTE: '#6c2132',
RGB_POLLY: '#81b1e7',
UTC_OFFSET: new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000,
MAP_ACTIONS: { // ActivityFemale3DCG
// action
'nod|yes': {Head: {self: 'Nod'}},
no: {Head: {self: 'Wiggle'}},
moan: {Mouth: {self: 'MoanGag'}},
mumble: {Mouth: {self: 'MoanGagTalk'}},
whimper: {Mouth: {self: 'MoanGagWhimper'}},
groan: {Mouth: {self: 'MoanGagGroan'}},
scream: {Mouth: {self: 'MoanGagAngry'}},
giggle: {Mouth: {self: 'MoanGagGiggle'}},
struggle: {Arms: {self: 'StruggleArms'}},
thrash: {Legs: {self: 'StruggleLegs'}},
// Action zone
'wiggle|shake': {'Arms,Breast,Boots,Butt,Ears,Feet,Hands,Nose,Pelvis,Torso': {self: 'Wiggle'}},
// Action target
whisper: {Ears: {others: 'Whisper'}},
choke: {Neck: {all: 'Choke'}},
brush: {Head: {all: 'TakeCare'}},
french: {Mouth: {others: 'FrenchKiss'}},
sit: {Legs: {others: 'Sit'}},
rim: {Butt: {others: 'MasturbateTongue'}},
press: {Butt: {others: 'Step'}},
rest: {Torso: {others: 'Step'}},
pet: {Head: {all: 'Pet'}},
boop: {Nose: {all: 'Pet'}},
cuddle: {Arms: {others: 'Cuddle'}},
nuzzle: {Nose: {others: 'Cuddle'}},
grab: {Arms: {others: 'Grope'}},
clean: {Mouth: {all: 'Caress'}},
lap: {Legs: {others: 'RestHead'}},
lean: {Breast: {others: 'RestHead'}},
peck: {Mouth: {others: 'PoliteKiss'}},
// Action zone target
item: {
'Breast,Butt,Feet,Legs': {all: 'SpankItem|TickleItem|RubItem|RollItem|MasturbateItem|PourItem|ShockItem|Inject'},
'Nipples,Pelvis': {all: 'SpankItem|TickleItem|RubItem|RollItem|MasturbateItem|PourItem|ShockItem'},
Arms: {all: 'SpankItem|TickleItem|RubItem|RollItem|PourItem|ShockItem|Inject'},
Boots: {all: 'SpankItem|TickleItem|RubItem|RollItem|PourItem|ShockItem'},
'Ears,Mouth': {all: 'TickleItem|RubItem|RollItem'},
'Hood,Nose': {all: 'TickleItem|RubItem'},
Neck: {all: 'TickleItem|RubItem|RollItem|Inject'},
Torso: {all: 'SpankItem|TickleItem|RubItem|RollItem|PourItem|ShockItem'},
Vulva: {all: 'SpankItem|TickleItem|RubItem|MasturbateItem|ShockItem'},
VulvaPiercings: {all: 'SpankItem|TickleItem|RubItem|MasturbateItem|ShockItem|Inject'},
kiss: {
Mouth: {others: 'GagKiss|Kiss|GaggedKiss'},
'Boots,Hands': {self: 'PoliteKiss', others: 'PoliteKiss|GaggedKiss'},
'Arms,Breast,Nipples': {self: 'Kiss', others: 'Kiss|GaggedKiss'},
'Butt,Ears,Feet,Head,Legs,Neck,Nose,Pelvis,Torso,Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {others: 'Kiss|GaggedKiss'},
smooch: {'Hands,Boots': {all: 'Kiss'}},
'nibble|chew': {'Arms,Hands,Boots,Mouth,Nipples': {all: 'Nibble'}, 'Ears,Feet,Legs,Neck,Nose,Pelvis,Torse,Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {others: 'Nibble'}},
'slap|spank': {'Head,Breast,Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {all: 'Slap'}, 'Arms,Boots,Butt,Feet,Hands,Legs,Pelvis,Torso': {all: 'Spank'}},
tickle: {'Arms,Boots,Breast,Feet,Legs,Neck,Pelvis,Torso': {all: 'Tickle'}},
massage: {'Arms,Boots,Feet,Legs,Neck,Pelvis,Torso': {all: 'MassageHands'}},
lick: {'Arms,Boots,Breast,Hands,Mouth,Nipples': {all: 'Lick'}, 'Ears,Feet,Legs,Neck,Nose,Pelvis,Torso,Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {others: 'Lick'}},
suck: {'Nipples,Hands,Boots': {all: 'Suck'}},
bite: {'Arms,Boots,Feet,Hands,Legs,Mouth': {all: 'Bite'}, 'Breast,Butt,Ears,Head,Neck,Nipples,Nose,Torso': {others: 'Bite'}},
pinch: {'Arms,Ears,Nipples,Nose,Pelvis': {all: 'Pinch'}},
clamp: {Mouth: {all: 'HandGag'}, Nose: {all: 'Choke'}},
step: {'Breast,Neck,Pelvis': {others: 'Step'}},
pull: {'Head,Nose,Nipples': {all: 'Pull'}},
grope: {'Butt,Breast': {all: 'Grope'}, 'Feet,Legs,Pelvis': {others: 'Grope'}},
rub: {'Head,Torso': {others: 'Rub'}, Nose: {all: 'Rub'}, Legs: {self: 'Wiggle'}, Hands: {self: 'Caress'}},
caress: {Hands: {others: 'Caress'}, 'Arms,Breast,Butt,Ears,Feet,Head,Legs,Neck,Nipples,Nose,Pelvis,Torso,Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {all: 'Caress'}},
polish: {'Hands,Boots': {all: 'TakeCare'}},
foot: {'Head,Nose': {others: 'Step'}, 'Torso,Boots': {others: 'MassageFeet'}, 'Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {others: 'MasturbateFoot'}},
fist: {'Vulva,Butt': {all: 'MasturbateFist'}},
fuck: {'Mouth,Vulva,Butt': {others: 'PenetrateSlow'}}, // Peg?
pound: {'Mouth,Vulva,Butt': {others: 'PenetrateFast'}},
tongue: {'Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {others: 'MasturbateTongue'}},
finger: {'Breast,Butt,Vulva,VulvaPiercings': {all: 'MasturbateHand'}},
ItemBoots: ['foot', 'feet', 'boot', 'boots', 'shoe', 'shoes', 'toes', 'toenails', 'sole', 'soles', 'heel', 'heels'],
ItemFeet: ['leg', 'legs', 'ankle', 'ankles'],
ItemLegs: ['hips', 'hip', 'thighs', 'thigh'],
ItemVulva: ['vulva', 'pussy'],
ItemVulvaPiercings: ['clit', 'clitoris'],
ItemButt: ['butt', 'ass'],
ItemPelvis: ['tummy', 'pelvis'],
ItemTorso: ['body', 'torso', 'back', 'ribs'],
ItemBreast: ['breast', 'breasts', 'boob', 'boobs', 'booby', 'boobie', 'boobies', 'tit', 'tits', 'titty', 'tittie', 'titties'],
ItemNipples: ['nip', 'nips', 'nipple', 'nipples'],
ItemHands: ['hand', 'hands', 'fingers', 'fingernails', 'nails'],
ItemArms: ['arm', 'arms', 'elbow', 'elbows'],
ItemNeck: ['neck'],
ItemMouth: ['mouth', 'lip', 'lips', 'teeth', 'tongue', 'gag', 'cheek', 'cheeks'],
ItemNose: ['nose', 'nostrils'],
ItemEars: ['ear', 'ears', 'earlobe', 'earlobes'],
ItemHead: ['head', 'face', 'hair', 'eyes', 'forehead'],
[/^\^('s)?( )?/g, '^SourceCharacter$1\\s+'],
[/([^\\])\$/g, '$1\\.?$$'],
autohack: {desc: 'toggle the autohack feature', cb: mbchc => mbchc.inform(`Autohack is now ${(mbchc.AUTOHACK_ENABLED = !mbchc.AUTOHACK_ENABLED) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}`)}, // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign
donate: {desc: 'Buy data and send it to recipient', args: {TARGET: {}}, cb: (mbchc, args) => mbchc.donate_data(args[0])},
tz: {desc: 'set target\'s UTC offset', args: {OFFSET: {}, '[TARGET]': {}}, cb: (mbchc, args) => mbchc.set_timezone(args)},
'purge!': {desc: 'delete MBCHC online saved data', cb: () => Settings['purge!']()},
// if (W.Player.ExtensionSettings.MBCHC) {
// delete W.Player.ExtensionSettings.MBCHC
// mbchc.save_settings() // FIXME
// }
calculate_maps() {
this.DO_DATA = {verbs: {}, zones: {}}
for (const [verbs, data] of Object.entries(this.MAP_ACTIONS)) {
const unwound = {}
for (const [zones, actions] of Object.entries(data)) {
const all = (actions.all) ? actions.all.split('|') : []
const processed = {self: (actions.self) ? actions.self.split('|').concat(all) : all, others: (actions.others) ? actions.others.split('|').concat(all) : all}
for (const zone of zones.split(',')) unwound[`Item${zone}`] = processed
for (const verb of verbs.split('|')) this.DO_DATA.verbs[verb] = unwound
for (const [ag, zones] of Object.entries(this.MAP_ZONES)) for (const zone of zones) this.DO_DATA.zones[zone] = ag
log(level, message) {
console[level]('MBCHC: ' + String(message))
empty(text) {
if (!text) return (true)
if (String(text).trim().length === 0) return (true)
return (false)
normalise_message(text, options = {}) {
let result = text
if (options.trim) result = result.trim()
if (options.low) result = result.toLocaleLowerCase()
if (options.up) {
const first = result.at(0).toLocaleUpperCase()
const rest = result.slice(1)
result = first + rest
if (options.dot && this.RE_LAST_LETTER.test(result)) result = `${result}.`
return (result)
tokenise(text) {
return text.replace(this.RE_SPACES, ' ').split(' ')
inform(html, timeout = 60_000) {
W.ChatRoomSendLocal(`<div class="mbchc">${html}</div>`, timeout)
report(x) {
if (this.RETHROW) throw x
cid2char(id) {
id = Number.parseInt(id, 10)
if (id === U.cid(W.Player)) return (W.Player)
return U.assert(`character ${id} not found in the room`, W.ChatRoomCharacter.find(c => U.cid(c) === id))
pos2char(pos) {
if (!(pos in U.range(0, W.ChatRoomCharacter.length - 1))) throw new Error(`invalid position ${pos}`)
return (W.ChatRoomCharacter[pos])
rel2char(target) {
const me = U.assert('can\'t find my position', W.ChatRoomCharacter.findIndex(char => char.IsPlayer()) + 1) - 1 // 0 is falsey, but is valid index
let pos = null
if (this.RE_ALL_LEFT.test(target)) pos = me - target.length
if (this.RE_ALL_RIGHT.test(target)) pos = me + target.length
if (pos === null) throw new Error(`failed to parse target "${target}"`)
pos %= W.ChatRoomCharacter.length
if (pos < 0) pos += W.ChatRoomCharacter.length
return (this.pos2char(pos))
target2char(target) { // Target should be lowcase
const input = target
if (this.empty(target)) return (W.Player)
const int = Number.parseInt(target, 10)
target = String(target)
let found = []
if (target.startsWith('=')) return (this.cid2char(target.slice(1)))
if (target.startsWith('<') || target.startsWith('>')) return (this.rel2char(target))
if (!Number.isNaN(int) && int.toString() === target) { // We got a number
if (int in U.range(0, 9)) return (this.pos2char(int))
if (int in U.range(11, 15)) return (this.pos2char(int - 11))
if (int in U.range(21, 25)) return (this.pos2char(int - 16))
found.push(...W.ChatRoomCharacter.filter(c => U.cid(c).toString().includes(target)))
if (target.startsWith('@')) target = target.slice(1)
found.push(...W.ChatRoomCharacter.filter(c => c.Name.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(target)))
found.push(...W.ChatRoomCharacter.filter(c => c.Nickname && (c.Nickname.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(target)))) // eslint-disable-line unicorn/no-array-push-push
const map = {}
for (const c of found) {
if (!map[U.cid(c)]) map[U.cid(c)] = c
found = Object.values(map)
if (found.length === 0) throw new Error(`target "${input}": no match`)
if (found.length > 1) throw new Error(`target "${input}": multiple matches (${found.map(c => `${U.cid(c)}|${c.Name}|${c.Nickname || c.Name}`).join(',')})`)
return (found[0])
char2targets(char) {
const [result, id] = [new Set(), U.cid(char).toString()]
for (const t of this.tokenise(char.Name)) {
if (char.Nickname) for (const t of this.tokenise(char.Nickname)) {
return result
//get settings() {return Settings.v1},
donate_data(target) {
const char = this.target2char(target)
if (char.IsPlayer()) throw new Error('target must not be you')
if (!char.IsRestrained()) throw new Error('target must be bound')
const cost = Math.round(((Math.random() * 10) + 15))
if (W.Player.Money < cost) throw new Error('not enough money')
W.CharacterChangeMoney(W.Player, -cost)
W.ServerSend('ChatRoomChat', {Content: 'ReceiveSuitcaseMoney', Type: 'Hidden', Target: U.cid(char)})
W.ChatRoomMessage({Sender: U.cid(W.Player), Type: 'Action', Content: `You've bought data for $${cost} and sent it to ${U.dn(char)}.`, Dictionary: [MISSING_PLAYER_DIALOG]})
run_activity(char, ag, action) {
try {
if (!W.ActivityAllowed()) throw new Error('activities disabled in this room')
if (!W.ServerChatRoomGetAllowItem(W.Player, char)) throw new Error('no permissions')
char.FocusGroup = U.assert('invalid AssetGroup', W.AssetGroupGet(char.AssetFamily, ag))
const activity = U.assert('invalid activity', W.ActivityAllowedForGroup(char, char.FocusGroup.Name).find(a => a.Activity?.Name === action))
//if ((activity.Name || activity.Activity.Name).endsWith('Item')) {
// const item = this.ensure('no toy found', () => w.Player.Inventory.find(i => i.Asset?.Name === 'SpankingToys' && i.Asset.Group?.Name === char.FocusGroup.Name && w.AssetSpankingToys.DynamicActivity(char) === (activity.Name || activity.Activity.Name)))
// w.DialogPublishAction(char, item)
//} else w.ActivityRun(w.Player, char, char.FocusGroup, activity)
W.ActivityRun(W.Player, char, char.FocusGroup, activity)
} finally {
char.FocusGroup = null
replace_me(match, offset, string) {
const text = string.slice(1)
let suffix = ' '
if (text.startsWith('\'') || text.startsWith(' ')) suffix = ''
return `${W.MBCHC.PREF_ACTIVITY}<${U.cid(W.Player)}:>SourceCharacter${suffix}`
cid2dict(type, cid) {
return ({Tag: `${type}Character`, MemberNumber: cid, Text: U.dn(this.cid2char(cid))})
send_activity(message) {
const cids = message.match(this.RE_ACT_CIDS)
if (cids) {
message = message.replace(this.RE_ACT_CIDS, '')
if (cids[1]) dict.push(this.cid2dict('Source', cids[1]))
if (cids[2]) dict.push(this.cid2dict('Target', cids[2]), this.cid2dict('Destination', cids[2]))
W.ServerSend('ChatRoomChat', {Type: 'Action', Content: message, Dictionary: dict})
//receive(data) {
// const char = this.cid2char(data.Sender)
// if (char.IsPlayer()) return true // This is our own message, sent back to us
// const payload = this.ensure('Empty message', () => data.Dictionary[0])
// switch (payload.type) {
// case 'greetings': case 'hello': {
// char.MBCHC = payload.value
// if (payload.type === 'greetings') this.hello(char)
// break
// }
// default: // If we don't know the type it may be from a newer version
// }
// return true
//hello(char = null) {
// const payload = {type: 'greetings', value: w.Player.MBCHC}
// if (char) payload.type = 'hello'
// const message = {Content: 'MBCHC', Type: /** @type {const} */ ('Hidden'), Dictionary: [payload]}
// if (char) message.Target = char.cid
// w.ServerSend('ChatRoomChat', message)
copy_fbc_trigger(trigger) {
const result = {
Type: 'Action',
Event: trigger.Event,
Matchers: trigger.Matchers.map(m => ({Tester: new RegExp(this.FBC_TESTER_PATCHES.reduce((ax, [f, r]) => ax.replaceAll(f, r), m.Tester.source), 'u')})),
return (result)
patch_fbc() {
delete this.remove_fbc_hook
W.bce_ActivityTriggers.push(...W.bce_ActivityTriggers.filter(t => t.Type === 'Emote').map(t => this.copy_fbc_trigger(t)))
/* (["anim", "pose"]).forEach(tag => {let cmd = w.Commands.find(c => tag === c.Tag); if (cmd) cmd.AutoComplete = this[`complete_fbc_${tag}`]}) */ // this line explodes, because it needs a semicolon in front if it
let cmd = W.Commands.find(c => c.Tag === 'anim')
if (cmd) cmd.AutoComplete = this.complete_fbc_anim
cmd = W.Commands.find(c => c.Tag === 'pose')
if (cmd) cmd.AutoComplete = this.complete_fbc_pose
//player_enters_room() { // Or if the mod is loaded while player is in the room
// this.hello()
set_timezone(args) {
const tz = Number.parseInt(args[0], 10)
if (Number.isNaN(tz)) throw new Error(`invalid offset "${args[0]}"`)
if (!(tz in U.range(-12, 12))) throw new Error('offset should be [-12,12]')
const char = this.target2char(args[1])
if (char.MemberNumber === undefined) return
Settings.save(v1 => v1.TZ[char.MemberNumber] = tz)
//char.MBCHC_LOCAL.TZ = tz
//this.save_settings(s => { // FIXME
// if (!s.timezones) s.timezones = {}
// s.timezones[U.cid(char)] = tz
command_mbchc(argline, cmdline, args) {
const mbchc = W.MBCHC
try { // `this` is command object
if (args.length === 0) return (mbchc.inform(Object.entries(mbchc.SUBCOMMANDS_MBCHC).map(([cmd, sub]) => `<div>/mbchc ${cmd} ${sub.args ? Object.keys(sub.args).join(' ') : ''}: ${sub.desc}</div>`).join('')))
const cmd = String(args.shift())
const sub = U.assert(`unknown subcommand "${cmd}"`, mbchc.SUBCOMMANDS_MBCHC[cmd])
sub.cb.call(mbchc, mbchc, args, argline, cmdline)
} catch (error) {
command_activity(argline, cmdline, _) {
const mbchc = W.MBCHC
if (!mbchc.empty(argline)) {
try { // `this` is command object
const message = mbchc.normalise_message(cmdline.replace(mbchc.RE_ACTIVITY, ''), {trim: true, dot: true, up: true})
} catch (error) {
command_do(argline, cmdline, args) {
const mbchc = W.MBCHC
try { // `this` is command object
if (args.length === 0) return (mbchc.inform('<div>Usage: /do VERB [ZONE] [TARGET]</div><div>Available verbs:</div>' + Object.keys(mbchc.MAP_ACTIONS).join(', ') + '<div>Available zones:</div>' + Object.keys(mbchc.DO_DATA.zones).join(', ')))
let [verb, zone, target] = args
const zones = U.assert(`unknown verb "${verb}"`, mbchc.DO_DATA.verbs[verb])
if (Object.keys(zones).length === 1) {
if (!target) target = zone
zone = mbchc.MAP_ZONES[Object.keys(zones)[0]][0]
if (!zone) throw new Error('zone missing')
const ag = U.assert(`unknown zone "${zone}"`, mbchc.DO_DATA.zones[zone])
const types = U.assert(`zone "${zone}" invalid for "${verb}"`, zones[ag])
let char = W.Player
if (target && ((types.self.length === 0) || (types.others.length > 0))) char = mbchc.target2char(target)
const type = char.IsPlayer() ? 'self' : 'others'
const available = W.ActivityAllowedForGroup(char, ag)
//const toy = w.InventoryGet(w.Player, 'ItemHands')
//if (toy && toy.Asset.Name === 'SpankingToys') available.push(w.AssetAllActivities(char.AssetFamily).find(a => a.Name === w.InventorySpankingToysGetActivity?.(w.Player)))
const actions = U.assert(`zone "${zone}" invalid for ("${verb}" "${type}")`, types[type])
const action = U.assert(`invalid action (${verb} ${zone} ${target})`, actions.find(name => available.find(a => a.Activity?.Name === name)))
mbchc.run_activity(char, ag, action)
} catch (error) {
bell() {
setTimeout(() => {
U.style('#InputChat', s => s.outline = '')
}, 100)
U.style('#InputChat', s => s.outline = 'solid red')
complete(options, space = true) {
if (options.length === 0) return (this.bell())
if (options.length > 1) {
const width = Math.max(...options.map(o => o.length))
let pref = null
for (let i = width; i > 0; i -= 1) {
const test = options[0].slice(0, i)
if (options.every(o => o.startsWith(test))) {
pref = test
if (pref) this.complete([pref], false)
} else W.ElementValue('InputChat', W.ElementValue('InputChat').replace(this.RE_LAST_WORD, `$1${options[0]}${space ? ' ' : ''}`))
* Displays strings as completion hint
* @param {string[]} options List of words to display. The order will be modified without copy.
* @returns {undefined}
comp_hint(options) {
if (options.length === 0) return
this.COMP_HINT.innerHTML = '<div>' + options.sort().reverse().map(s => `<div>${s}</div>`).join('') + '</div>'
this.COMP_HINT.style.display = 'block'
W.ElementSetDataAttribute(this.COMP_HINT.id, 'colortheme', (W.Player.ChatSettings?.ColorTheme || 'Light'))
const rescroll = W.ElementIsScrolledToEnd('TextAreaChatLog')
if (rescroll) W.ElementScrollToEnd('TextAreaChatLog')
this.COMP_HINT.firstChild?.lastChild?.scrollIntoView({behaviour: 'instant'})
* Returns true if the completion box is attached to body and its display isn't none
* @returns {boolean}
comp_hint_visible() {
return (this.COMP_HINT.parentElement && this.COMP_HINT.style.display !== 'none')
comp_hint_hide() {
if (!this.comp_hint_visible()) return
this.COMP_HINT.style.display = 'none'
complete_target(token, me2 = true, check_perms = false) {
const [locase, found] = [token.toLocaleLowerCase(), new Set()]
for (const c of W.ChatRoomCharacter) {
if ((c.IsPlayer() && !me2) || (check_perms && !W.ServerChatRoomGetAllowItem(W.Player, c))) continue
for (const s of this.char2targets(c)) {
if (s.toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith(locase)) found.add(s)
complete_common() {
// w.ElementValue('InputChat') will strip the trailing whitespace
const E = D.querySelector('#InputChat')
if (!(E && E instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) throw new Error('somehow InputChat is broken')
return ([this, E.value, this.tokenise(E.value)])
complete_mbchc(_args, _locase, _cmdline) {
const [mbchc, _input, tokens] = W.MBCHC.complete_common(); // `this` is command object
if (tokens.length === 0) return
if (tokens.length < 2) return (mbchc.complete([`${mbchc.CommandsKey}${this.Tag}`]))
const subname = tokens[1].toLocaleLowerCase()
if (tokens.length < 3) return (mbchc.complete(Object.keys(mbchc.SUBCOMMANDS_MBCHC).filter(c => c.startsWith(subname)))) // Complete subcommand name
const sub = mbchc.SUBCOMMANDS_MBCHC[subname]
if (sub && sub.args) {
const argname = Object.keys(sub.args)[tokens.length - 3]
if (argname === 'TARGET') return (mbchc.complete_target(tokens.at(-1), false))
if (argname === '[TARGET]') return (mbchc.complete_target(tokens.at(-1)), true)
complete_do_target(actions, token) {
if (!actions) return
const me2 = (actions.self.length > 0)
if (me2 && actions.others.length === 0) return (this.complete([U.cid(W.Player).toString()])) // Target is always the player
this.complete_target(token, me2, true)
complete_do(_args, _locase, _cmdline) {
const [mbchc, _input, tokens] = W.MBCHC.complete_common(); // `this` is command object
if (tokens.length === 0) return
if (tokens.length < 2) return (mbchc.complete([`${mbchc.CommandsKey}${this.Tag}`]))
// Now, we *could* run a filter to exclude impossible activities, but it isn't very useful, and also seems like a lot of CPU to iterate over every action on every zone of every char in the room
let low = tokens[1].toLocaleLowerCase()
if (tokens.length < 3) return (mbchc.complete(Object.keys(mbchc.DO_DATA.verbs).filter(c => c.startsWith(low)))) // Complete verb
const ags = mbchc.DO_DATA.verbs[low]
if (!ags) return (mbchc.bell())
low = tokens[2].toLocaleLowerCase()
if (tokens.length < 4) { // Complete zone or target
if (Object.keys(ags).length < 2) return (mbchc.complete_do_target(ags[Object.keys(ags)[0]], tokens[2])) // Zone implied, complete target
const zones = Object.entries(mbchc.DO_DATA.zones).filter(([zone, ag]) => zone.startsWith(low) && ags[ag]).map(([zone, _ag]) => zone)
return (mbchc.complete(zones))
if (tokens.length < 5) { // Complete target where it belongs
if (Object.keys(ags).length < 2) return // Zone implied, target already given
return (mbchc.complete_do_target(ags[mbchc.DO_DATA.zones[low]], tokens[3]))
complete_fbc_anim(_args, _locase, _cmdline) {
const [mbchc, _input, tokens] = W.MBCHC.complete_common(); // `this` is command object
if (tokens.length === 0) return
if (tokens.length < 2) return (mbchc.complete([`${mbchc.CommandsKey}${this.Tag}`]))
if (tokens.length > 2) return (mbchc.bell())
const anim = tokens[1].toLocaleLowerCase()
return (mbchc.complete(Object.keys(W.bce_EventExpressions).filter(a => a.toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith(anim))))
complete_fbc_pose(_args, _locase, _cmdline) {
const [mbchc, _input, tokens] = W.MBCHC.complete_common(); // `this` is command object
if (tokens.length === 0) return
if (tokens.length < 2) return (mbchc.complete([`${mbchc.CommandsKey}${this.Tag}`]))
const pose = tokens.at(-1).toLocaleLowerCase()
return (mbchc.complete(W.PoseFemale3DCG.map(p => p.Name).filter(p => p.toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith(pose))))
history(down) {
const [text, history] = [W.ElementValue('InputChat'), W.ChatRoomLastMessage]
if (!this.HISTORY_MODE) {
this.HISTORY_MODE = true
const ids = history.map((t, i) => ({t, i})).filter(r => r.t.startsWith(history.at(-1))).map(r => r.i)
if (!down) ids.reverse()
const found = ids.find(id => (down) ? id > W.ChatRoomLastMessageIndex : id < W.ChatRoomLastMessageIndex)
if (!found) return (this.bell())
W.ElementValue('InputChat', history[found])
W.ChatRoomLastMessageIndex = found
focus_chat_checks() { // we only want to catch chatlog and canvas (no map though) keypresses
if (D.activeElement === D.body) return true
if (D.activeElement?.id !== 'MainCanvas') return false
return !W.ChatRoomMapViewIsActive()
focus_chat_whitelist(event) {
if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'v') return true // Ctrl+V should paste
return false
focus_chat(event) {
if (event.repeat) return // Only unique presses please
if (!this.focus_chat_checks()) return
if ([event.altKey, event.ctrlKey, event.metaKey].some(Boolean) && !this.focus_chat_whitelist(event)) return // Alt, ctrl and meta should all be false
if (U.style('#InputChat', s => s.display) !== 'inline') return // Input chat missing
loader() {
if (this.remove_load_hook) {
delete this.remove_load_hook
if (this.LOADED) return
U.with(/** @type {MBCHC.Settings.V0} */ (W.Player.OnlineSettings), os => os?.MBCHC && Settings.migrate_0_1(os))
// Calculated values
const COMMANDS = [
{Tag: 'mbchc', Description: ': Utility functions ("/mbchc" for help)', Action: this.command_mbchc, AutoComplete: this.complete_mbchc},
{Tag: 'activity', Description: '[Message]: Send a custom activity (or "@@Message", or "@Message" as yourself)', Action: this.command_activity},
{Tag: 'do', Description: ': Do an activity, as if clicked on its button ("/do" for help)', Action: this.command_do, AutoComplete: this.complete_do},
this.CommandsKey = CommandsKey
this.RE_ACTIVITY = new RegExp(`^${this.CommandsKey}activity `)
this.PREF_ACTIVITY = `${this.CommandsKey}activity `
this.COMP_HINT = D.createElement('div')
this.COMP_HINT.id = 'mbchcCompHint'
const css = D.createElement('style')
css.textContent = `
#TextAreaChatLog .mbchc, #TextAreaChatLog .mbchc {
background-color: ${this.RGB_POLLY};
#TextAreaChatLog[data-colortheme="dark"] .mbchc, #TextAreaChatLog[data-colortheme="dark2"] .mbchc {
background-color: ${this.RGB_MUTE};
#${this.COMP_HINT.id} {
display: none;
text-align: right;
#${this.COMP_HINT.id} > div {
overflow: auto;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
max-height: 100%;
padding: 0 0.5ex;
background-color: ${this.RGB_POLLY};
color: black;
#${this.COMP_HINT.id}[data-colortheme="dark"] > div, #${this.COMP_HINT.id}[data-colortheme="dark2"] > div {
background-color: ${this.RGB_MUTE};
color: white;
#${this.COMP_HINT.id} > div div {
margin: 0.25ex 0;
// Actions
//w.Player.MBCHC = {VERSION: this.VERSION}
// Hooks
this.remove_fbc_hook = this.before('MainRun', () => W.bce_ActivityTriggers && this.patch_fbc())
// this.after('CharacterOnlineRefresh', char => this.update_char(char))
this.after('ChatRoomReceiveSuitcaseMoney', () => {
W.CurrentCharacter = this.cid2char(this.LAST_HACKED)
this.LAST_HACKED = null
this.before('ChatRoomSendChat', () => {
let input = W.ElementValue('InputChat')
if (!input.startsWith('@@@') && input.startsWith('@')) {
input = input.replace(this.RE_PREF_ACTIVITY, this.PREF_ACTIVITY)
input = input.replace(this.RE_PREF_ACTIVITY_ME, this.replace_me)
W.ElementValue('InputChat', input)
this.after('ChatRoomSendChat', () => {
const history = W.ChatRoomLastMessage
if ((history.length > 1) && (history.at(-1) === history.at(-2))) {
W.ChatRoomLastMessageIndex -= 1
this.before('ChatRoomCharacterViewDrawOverlay', (C, CharX, CharY, Zoom, _Pos) => {
// if (w.ChatRoomHideIconState < 1 && C.MBCHC) {
// w.DrawRect(CharX + (175 * Zoom), CharY, 50 * Zoom, 50 * Zoom, C.MBCHC.VERSION === w.Player.MBCHC.VERSION ? this.RGB_POLLY : this.RGB_MUTE)
// }
const ctz = TZ.for(C)
if (W.ChatRoomHideIconState < 1 && ctz !== undefined) {
const hours = new Date(W.CommonTime() + this.UTC_OFFSET + (ctz * 60 * 60 * 1000)).getHours()
W.DrawTextFit(hours < 10 ? '0' + hours.toString() : hours.toString(), CharX + (200 * Zoom), CharY + (25 * Zoom), 46 * Zoom, 'white', 'black')
this.after('ChatRoomCreateElement', () => this.COMP_HINT.parentElement || D.body.append(this.COMP_HINT))
this.before('ChatRoomClearAllElements', () => {
this.before('ChatRoomClick', () => {
this.after('ChatRoomResize', () => {
if (W.CharacterGetCurrent() === null && W.CurrentScreen === 'ChatRoom' && D.querySelector('#InputChat') && D.querySelector('#TextAreaChatLog') && this.comp_hint_visible()) { // Upstream
const fontsize = ChatRoomFontSize
//w.ElementPositionFix('TextAreaChatLog', fontsize, 1005, 66, 988, 630)
//w.ElementPositionFix(this.COMP_HINT.id, fontsize, 1005, 701, 988, 200)
W.ElementPositionFix(this.COMP_HINT.id, fontsize, 800, 65, 200, 835)
//this.COMP_HINT.style.display = 'flex'
D.addEventListener('keydown', event => this.focus_chat(event))
this.SDK.hookFunction('ChatRoomKeyDown', 0, (nextargs, next) => { // This fires on chat input events
const [event] = nextargs
if ((W.KeyPress === 33) || (W.KeyPress === 34)) { // Better history
return (W.MBCHC.history(W.KeyPress - 33))
return (next(nextargs))
// Chat room handlers
W.ChatRoomRegisterMessageHandler({Priority: -220, Description: 'MBCHC preprocessor', Callback: (data, sender, message, metadata) => {
this.NEXT_MESSAGE += 1
if (this.LOG_MESSAGES) console.debug({data, sender, msg: message, metadata})
return false
//w.ChatRoomRegisterMessageHandler({Priority: -219, Description: 'MBCHC room enter hook',
// Callback: (data, _sender, _message, _metadata) => {
// if ((data.Type === 'Action') && (data.Content === 'ServerEnter') && (data.Sender === U.cid(w.Player))) this.player_enters_room()
// return false
// },
//w.ChatRoomRegisterMessageHandler({Priority: -219, Description: 'MBCHC specific consumer',
// Callback: (data, _sender, _message, _metadata) => {
// if ((data.Type === 'Hidden') && (data.Content === 'MBCHC')) return this.receive(data)
// return false
// },
W.ChatRoomRegisterMessageHandler({Priority: -219, Description: 'MBCHC autohack lookup',
Callback: (data, _sender, _message, _metadata) => {
if ((data.Type === 'Hidden') && (data.Content === 'ReceiveSuitcaseMoney')) this.LAST_HACKED = data.Sender
return false
// Footer
this.LOADED = true
this.log('info', `loaded version ${this.VERSION}`)
//if ((W.CurrentModule === 'Online') && (W.CurrentScreen === 'ChatRoom')) {
// for (const c of W.ChatRoomCharacter) this.update_char(c)
// //this.player_enters_room()
preloader() {
if (!W.AsylumGGTSSAddItems) throw new Error('AsylumGGTSSAddItems() not found, aborting MBCHC loading')
if (!W.bcModSdk) throw new Error('SDK not found, please load with (or after) FUSAM')
this.SDK = W.bcModSdk.registerMod({name: 'MBCHC', fullName: 'Mute\'s Bondage Club Hacks Collection', version: this.VERSION, repository: 'https://code.fleshless.org/mute/MBCHC/'})
this.before = (name, cb) => this.SDK.hookFunction(name, 0, (nextargs, next) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
return next(nextargs)
this.after = (name, cb) => this.SDK.hookFunction(name, 0, (nextargs, next) => {
const result = next(nextargs);
try {
} catch (error) {
return result
U.current() === 'Character/Login' ? this.remove_load_hook = this.before('AsylumGGTSSAddItems', () => this.loader()) :this.loader()