Mute 6034adae3c 107.13.0
another absolutely massive diff
* Disabled keyboard handler for focus management, the club got better at this
* Input history redone entirely, the code contains comments
* Completion now takes cursor position into account
* Dropped autoremoval of service messages in favour of future manual deletion
* Tons of typechecking cleanup and style improvements
* The code now has zero errors on the strictest TS settings I know
2024-08-18 01:15:56 +00:00

31 lines
1.3 KiB

import {readFileSync} from 'node:fs'
import {createServer} from 'node:http'
import {argv} from 'node:process'
const config = {host: '', port: 9696, filename: argv[2] ?? 'mbchc.mjs'}
const h_cors = {
'Access-Control-Max-Age': '86400',
'Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network': 'true',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, OPTIONS',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*',
// 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'false', // omit this header to disallow
const h_all = {
'Content-Type': 'text/javascript',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
/** @type {Record<string,((request: import('node:http').ServerResponse) => void)>} */ const resp = {
GET(rx) { rx.writeHead(200, h_all); rx.write(readFileSync(config.filename)) },
OPTIONS(rx) { rx.writeHead(204, h_cors) },
const server = createServer((rq, rx) => {
rq.method !== undefined && resp[rq.method] !== undefined && (new URL(`http://${config.host}:${config.port}${rq.url}`)).pathname === '/' ? resp[rq.method](rx) : rx.writeHead(400)
rx.end(() => void console.log('%s %d %s %s', (new Date()).toISOString(), rx.statusCode, rq.method, rq.url))
server.listen(config.port, config.host, () => void console.log(`Server started at http://${config.host}:${config.port} for ${config.filename}`))