Through the door is a brightly lit room with several people wearing hazmat \ suits. What, do we have another pandemic on our hands? Come ON, it's \ getting old already. They stare at me for a moment. "Does any of this come off easily? No? Well then, we don't have time. \ Chop chop people, get creative." While I'm undergoing a quick med exam, one of the doctors asks me yes-or-no \ questions about health conditions, allergies and so on. "Okay, she's a go, get her on a table." Yes, there is a table and now I'm on it. And I get a mask over my face. "Now, deep breaths please. And one, and two..." ~~"...the looks on their faces..."~~ @@height:200em; @@ [[The sirens are wailing again.|mute_copy_shelter_01]] (end of page)