In terms of immediate survival I need water the most. Is that a forest on \ the horizon? If there is a forest here, do I know where the town is? No, \ not really. Still, on the one hand trees need water to grow. On the other hand, moving through a forest could be very difficult. What I need \ is a road, a road would be cool. At this point, any signs of civilization would \ be very welcome. A river is good as well, give me something to work with here. So far it's either the forest or the grass. Maybe I should stay in the grass \ and go along the forest edge, looking for -- at this point -- something, anything. At least it's nice outside. I don't even feel that cold, maybe a bit chilly is all. Do I worry myself with all the different ways I can die horribly? Like, \ no means to survive or defend myself, no directions, no idea at all. Sure, \ let's have ourselves a panic attack, it hever fails to help in any situation. Here's an idea, I can instead dive deep into my fantasies, like for example \ there's a truck passing by with this redneck who of course just throws me \ inside and takes to his ranch and he also has a really hot wife and they just \ adopt me as their pony and I am very happy... [[Eh?|next]] (end of page)