He's back shortly, indeed carrying a thick rope. "Just in case I'm missing something here, these don't come off easy, do they?" \ -- I shake my head -- "yeah, thought so." Another minute of silence, then a determined look: "let's do this." "Here's my idea: use your legs to go down, I'm going to hold you with the rope \ in case you slip, but please try not to. Now, I need to tie this around your chest." I don't like this plan. There's a tree right beside us, I point to it with my head. "Okay, a tree?" I draw a coiling rope best I can with my hoof. "But the ladder is the other way around." I turn my back at him and try to jingle a huge D-ring in my collar. Somewhat successfully. "Tie a rope to your collar? And then?" I point to the hole in the ground and try to act out myself hanging from a rope. "Lower you down with a rope tied to your collar?" I nod enthusiastically. "Girl, you're crazy." I roll my eyes at him and pound my hoof. You know, me and this harness -- we are friends. We've seen things. "I hope you know what you're talking about." -- oh look, we have a comedian over here. And so [[the descent begins.|next]] (end of page)