fbt c78cb78ff0 init
Signed-off-by: fbt <>
2017-05-03 16:10:13 +03:00

42 lines
750 B

font = xos4 terminus 10
#allow_bold = false
cursor_blink = off
cursor_shape = ibeam
browser = browser
mouse_autohide = true
audible_bell = true
font = terminus 10
roundness = 0.0
foreground = #839496
foreground_bold = #eee8d5
foreground_dim = #888888
background = #141414
#background = rgba(18, 21, 26, 0.9)
cursor = #93a1a1
# if unset, will reverse foreground and background
#highlight = #839496
# colors from color0 to color254 can be set
color0 = #073642
color1 = #dc322f
color2 = #859900
color3 = #b58900
color4 = #268bd2
color5 = #d33682
color6 = #2aa198
color7 = #eee8d5
color8 = #002b36
color9 = #cb4b16
color10 = #586e75
color11 = #657b83
color12 = #839496
color13 = #6c71c4
color14 = #93a1a1
color15 = #fdf6e3