Making the already easy trivial, one Containerfile at a time.
Go to file
2023-10-24 18:15:34 +00:00
config.yaml stop with the browser shit 2023-10-23 10:32:38 +00:00
Containerfile Remove trash 2023-10-23 10:20:06 +00:00
init init 2023-10-23 01:42:57 +00:00 Update 2023-10-24 18:15:34 +00:00

What is this?

This repo is an easy way to run Easy Diffusion in a podman container. I needed to put Easy Diffusion into a container for my own purposes, and publishing this wasn't a lot of effort; so here we are.

This targets Nvidia and Arch, and nothing else, I'm old and lazy.

It should work on anything that has an Nvidia GPU, podman, and the nvidia container toolkit (with the nvidia devices setup hook).

Note that there's currently an issue with the AUR packages for Nvidia's container toolkit. See this issue for details and a workaround.


# Build the image
podman build --no-cache . -t 'stable-diffusion-ui-server'

# Run the container
podman run -it --device --security-opt=label=disable --name stable-diffusion-ui -p 9000:9000 -v ./data:/opt/stable-diffusion-ui -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility localhost/stable-diffusion-ui-server

# Get to the interface
browser http://localhost:9000