Configuration is serious business

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This commit is contained in:
Jack L. Frost 2018-07-27 20:03:36 +03:00
parent 614b2bea94
commit 213c8e4ce2
2 changed files with 98 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -13,13 +13,83 @@ usage() {
act() {
(( verbose )) && printf 'CMD: %s\n' "$*" >&2
(( dry_run )) || { "$@"; return $?; }
cfg verbose && printf 'CMD: %s\n' "$*" >&2
cfg dryrun || { "$@"; return $?; }
return 0
# cfg foo bool = [true|1]
# cfg foo [string] = 'bar'
# cfg foo
cfg() {
declare s_name=$1; shift
declare -n \
_s="cfg[$s_name]" \
if (( $# )); then
while (( $# )); do
case $1 in
(bool|str) _s_type="$1";;
[[ $_s_type ]] || _s_type='string'
[[ $_s_type == 'bool' ]] && {
case $2 in
(true|false|0|1) true;;
error "On line $LINENO, in $FUNCNAME: Invalid value for '$s_name' type 'bool': '$2'"
return 11
error "On line $LINENO, in $FUNCNAME: Syntax error: “cfg $s_name $*”"
exit 115
[[ -n $_s ]] || {
error "On line $LINENO, in $FUNCNAME: invalid option: '$s_name'"
return 13
case $_s_type in
case $_s in
(true|1) return 0;;
(false|0) return 1;;
printf '%s\n' "$_s"
return 0
notify() {
cfg notify || return 7 # disabled
[[ $DISPLAY ]] || return 3
[[ $notifier ]] || return 5
@ -111,17 +181,26 @@ is_uri() [[ $1 =~ ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\+\.\-]+:.+ ]]
main() {
declare cmd_result target
declare -gA cfg
cfg verbose bool = false
cfg dryrun bool = false
cfg notify bool = true
# Source the config file.
[[ -f "$cfg_file" ]] && { source "$cfg_file"; }
while (( $# )); do
case $1 in
(-d) dry_run=1; verbose=1;;
(-v) verbose=1;;
(-h) usage; return 0;;
cfg dryrun = true
cfg verbose = true
(-n) notify() { true; };; # disable desktop notifications
(-v) cfg verbose = true;;
(-n) cfg notify = false;; # disable desktop notifications
(-h) usage; return 0;;
(--) shift; break;;
(*) break;;
@ -132,7 +211,10 @@ main() {
target=$1; [[ "$target" ]] || { usage; exit; }
(( dry_run )) && printf 'Dry run: not actually running the handler\n' >&2
cfg dryrun && {
printf 'Dry run: not actually running the handler\n' >&2
cfg verbose true
# Treat file:// as local paths.
[[ "$target" =~ ^file:(//)?(/.+) ]] && target=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}

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@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
# Configuration file for sx-open
# Note that as sx-open checks the regexes in order, they should be placed in order from specific to less so.
# Disable desktop notifications
#cfg notify false
# Enable verbose mode
#cfg verbose true
# Enable dry run mode (implies verbose)
#cfg dryrun true
# <cmd> macros:
# %target% — The first argument to this script.
# If not found, target is appended to the end of <cmd>