Mute edited this page 2022-12-04 17:32:09 +00:00
Table of Contents
- /nod command
- ( /me actions )
- mod indicator
- local time
- /do command
- unified target spec
- BCE emotes detector -> activities
- disable tightening/loosening of locked items on you/others
- autocomplete
- autocomplete /pose and /anim
- /do should check for permissions
- history on existing text treats it as prefix for search
- BCE autoexpr testers need \.?$
- refuse /do if the room disallows activities
- spaces in targets
- autocomplete should retain original case
- double space with "@ text"
- make exceptions to autofocus keys (ctrl et al.)
- modify TZ regex to accept spaces
- admin list textarea larger size limit
- cleanup: +=, ?., consts, remove extra () etc.
- cleanup: Element* instead of direct DOM API
- make indicator optional
- loading QAM after MBCHC breaks @
- shift+pgup/dn to scroll history without search, maybe mwheel too?
- push test to history on scrolling beyond lower bound
- work on the letter case clusterheck when working with command args
- macros and aliases
- autocomplete: take cursor position into account?
- /equip command
- expand autohack
- traps
- remove hair
- lishp
- show emotes in friendlist
- disappear others?
- custom titles
- custom backgrounds
- gifts and lootboxes
- play music
- play videos (hard)
- custom emoticons (hard)
- tie beeps to the phone items?
- /remote command?
- markdown
- input filtering? to avoid some words in presence of some chars?
- reminders
- automatic translation
- cheaters get double the money (unclear if it's a problem)
- work on /do zones, amount seems excessive
- check rooms and change rooms commands
- block specific people from specific actions
Items hiding
- ways to reappear, sometimes you can't remove the hook
I think if I ever to revisit this, I'll retire disappear command in favour of individual properties of items. Any typed item (item.Asset.AllowType
) can have Property.Hide[]
and Property.HideItem[]
, so the idea would be to have an additional button on the item display that has a slot selection UI for items that qualify. Seems like a lot of work though.