
33 lines
921 B

#!syntax bash
# Configuration file for sx-open
# Note that as sx-open checks the regexes in order, they should be placed in order from specific to less so.
# Disable desktop notifications
#cfg notify false
# Enable verbose mode
#cfg verbose true
# Enable dry run mode (implies verbose)
#cfg dryrun true
# <cmd> macros:
# %target% — The first argument to this script.
# If not found, target is appended to the end of <cmd>
# example:
#uri 'browser %target% --profile=work' '^https://.+\.?workdomain.tld.*'
# scheme <cmd> <scheme>[ <scheme> ...]
#scheme browser http https
#scheme steam steam
# Or you can specify a regex for the entire uri:
# uri <cmd> <regex>[ <regex> ...]
#uri steam '^steam:'
#uri browser '^(https?|ftp):'
# Mime types for filesystem targets:
# mime <cmd> <regex>[ <regex> ...]
#mime sxiv '^image/'
#mime libreoffice '^application/msword$'